The EUMME project (Euro-Mediterranean Union within the framework of Medieval Medicine) is intended to strengthen the international collaboration among Centres involved in transmitting medico-pharmaceutical culture in order to witness the fundamental role it has played for the development of an European scientific community. In this respect, the contributions provided by different linguistic and cultural environments (Arabic, Hebrew) will be given special attention. Those ambiences were in fact strongly integrated in what we could call a universal dimension where there was full awareness of the supranational dimension of science, which is able to overcome geographical borders and ideological and religious barriers. These aims can only be achieved by means of modern technology which, similar to one of the objects of its analysis, overcomes borders and is not subject to ideological assessment, fostering the exchange of data among the Centres involved in the project.More specifically, the aims are referred to three large sectors and can be summarized as follows:• to increase the knowledge of the data relative to the subject treated (philological-textual sector);• to increase linguistic knowledge (linguistic-lexicographic sector);• to develop technological tools specific for the study and dissemination of the information produced (sector of technological tools).