Libraries traditionally have relied on their subscriptions agents to assist in the acquisition process for scholarly journals, multi-media titles, and recently even CD-ROMs. This relationship should be no different when the product desired is an electronic journal. Although some academic and research libraries have begun to incorporate the world of electronic publishing into their collections, many public and college libraries are just beginning to approach this challenge. As a result, the role of the subscription vendors is evolving to assist as needed. Vendor databases and services now provide the help needed to handle all aspects of electronic journals - from access to licensing issues. [1] This presentation win focus on: 1) the traditional agent-library relationship; 2) the new, integrated agent-library relationship; and address 3) possible models for the future. In the first part of the program, these issues will be presented through a live, scripted role-play between an academic librarian, Trisha Davis of The Ohio State University Libraries and an agent, Susan Wilson of the Faxon Company. The actual dialogue will help to 1) define new roles; 2)demonstrate use of appropriate communications for mutual benefit; 3)identify collaborative strategies; 4) show how the existing library-agent can gain new value in the electronic publishing world. The presentation will help both parties 5) understand new needs and expectations in the acquisition of electronic publications; 6) address the issues of negotiating and licensing issues; and will 7) discuss the use of new technology. The second half of the program, will formalize the discussion and make specific recommendations on the evolution of this relationship. As the publishing community offers more selectivity in the electronic world, agents and libraries must expand boundaries and establish new methods for working collaboratively. Access issues, licensing, and complicated pricing schemes add a level of sophistication to the process of acquiring these journals. As a result, the subscription agents must expand their role to work hand-in-hand with the library.