Much has transpired in a short period of time. The JSTOR database now includes well over two million pages from 47 core journals in 11 academic disciplines. Additional journal content is being digitized at a rate of approximately 100,000 pages per month. More than 250 libraries in the United States and Canada have become participating institutions, providing support for the creation, maintenance and growth of this database. Outside of North America, we have recently announced the establishment of a mirror site in the United Kingdom. Through a novel collaborative relationship with the Joint Information Systems Committee, the JSTOR database will be made available to higher education institutions in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland from a mirror site at the University of Manchester. As each day passes, new opportunities are presented to us to extend the reach of this enterprise. It is an exciting and challenging time. Since many of the participants at this conference are from outside of the United States and will not be familiar with JSTOR, the purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the project as well as an update on where things stand today.