The necessity for processing large increasing volumes of information - in commerce, business, or administration – in Russia has resulted in the growth in popularity of directories, containing information on various authorities and companies, as well as their activities. One of the characteristic attributes of such directories is the so-called "contact" information (address, telephones, etc). The necessity of fast search for the required information and demand for additional information services, naturally impossible in the usual "paper" directories, have led to the creation of electronic versions of such directories. It is possible, in fact, to search for an enterprise in accordance with its legal organizational form or by the name, using the traditional systems "yellow pages " - "white pages". But if a reverse search (for example, looking for a company name by entering its telephone number or address) is required, then the only solution would be an electronic version of the directory. On the other hand, either in business or administration activity, a spatial component of search is frequently of importance for the user. For example, one wants to find all grocery stores or perfume shops in a particular part of a city, or simply to understand where to search for the address "Moscow prospect, 44 ", thus, it becomes necessary to combine traditional content arrangement of directories with maps or schemes.