Information interchange among library and other academic applications is often hindered by the lack of application interoperability. The reasons include software and hardware incompatibility and also the conception of systems that serve only to very specific users without offering access to important information stakeholders. This hindrance may be overcomethrough the conception of systems that satisfy a broad array of users, and through the development of standards that allow for digital libraries to exchange and share information with other applications. The Graduate Program in Production Engineering of the Federal University of Santa Catarina launched, in 1995, its Theses and Dissertations Bank. From a digital document repository, BTD evolved into a system that combines search and statistics features and integration with online curriculum andother applications. BTD is used by students and faculty in their research activities, but also by decision makers from industry and the academy. They use it, respectively, to search for specialists and to measure interest and knowledge interchange among PPGEP research areas. This paper presents the conception of information systems architecture starting from the consideration of the interests of all users. The history, features, and development prospects for the BTD project are discussed. The integration of BTD with other academic applications, especially those of Lattes, the Brazilian national science and technology platform, is emphasized.