The thirty-six volume record of Napoleon's expedition to Egypt, commissioned by the great man himself, created a sensation as it began to appear in 1809.1 The drawings of Pharaonic monuments and the Sphinx in Description de l'Egypte by Vivan Denon and his collaborators conveyed a sense of the exotic, and their publication tempted those who could afford to go there and visit for themselves. Egypt joined the ranks of many enticements for armchair and actual tourists who had the means to visit cultural sites. The Grand Tour of continental classical cultural sites by ""Grand Tourists"" originated in Britain in the seventeenth century. Travelers on these journeys gathered and brought home cultural artifacts, by legal means and otherwise, leading to the establishment of museums and libraries in Europe in the 18th century.2 Originally the property of royalty or the very wealthy, many collections evolved into state-supported cultural institutions with help from philanthropists and fund- raising associations.